Checklist for Pandemic Spring Cleaning

Just like we’ve found with everything else, being in a pandemic adds a special nuance to spring cleaning! Follow this checklist to get the most out of yours.

Dust off your sense of purpose.

Why do you do what you do? Whether it is building your wellness, caring for children or giving your all at work. Try on the 5 Why protocol and ask yourself “Why do I do it?” five times in a row generating a deeper answer every time. Celebrate the nuance between, “because I studied marketing,” to “because I believe communication is a cornerstone to our humanity.” 

Clean up your mindset.

If you took a super-charged vacuum to thoughts like, “this will never end” or “I’ve got to win pandemic-ing,” how much more energy could you have stored away in that vacuum capsule to use elsewhere?

The first key is being able to listen and notice that inner soundtrack in your mind - then, you can use a strategy to switch the song.

Reorganize your priorities.

So much has changed since the pandemic - what you prioritized this time last year may not match this year. Try sorting all that you do into a chart like this:

cbc priorities matrix.png

Donate your time & resources to something bigger than yourself.

Deeply connecting to others through empathetically learning about their needs, aspirations, and assets helps us remember that we’re not alone. It raises our energy and sense of possibility.

Discard one thought that isn’t serving you anymore.

My favorites? Anything that sounds like, “you aren’t good enough,” is a great place to start. When I hear “you’re not good enough,” pop in my mind, I say it’s from a gremlin named Gloria - here’s how I discard that thought after we’ve run into each other.


The Top 4 Priorities You Need Right Now


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