The Top 4 Priorities You Need Right Now
Most of us have been a big dreamer at some point in our lives.
If you’ve got access to an old photo of you as a child - take it out. Look at it, really look at it. Notice the shape and glimmer of your eyes; hear the words that you are just about to come out of your mouth. Imagine being that size again, moving through the world with wonder and curiosity. Dreaming is natural! You’ve done it - you can again! But goodness, that pressure can be really overwhelming.
But these days it’s natural to be more of a “get-me-through-today-er”.
Is it me or is there something about the systems of oppression, racism, global pandemic, and general inequity that makes it hard to dream sometimes? We’ve got families to take care of, responsibilities to handle, teams to lead - and when all that stacks up the goal is one meeting, then the other, then not eating potato chips for lunch, and so on.
And that is OK, for real. We don’t always have to be change agents, impactful leaders, inspiring role models.
While I dream of transformation, I’ve noticed how helpful I find it to release that pressure for myself. Try it on with me:
You are more than you produce in a day
Your value stands whether your appearance feels shiny or dull
Your intelligence and intuition are not measured by the most recent question you answered
You are worthy without perfection
And because the real, regular you matters, here are the 4 priorities to keep you grounded in between dreams.
Finding Fulfillment: Whether you’re just finished a synergistic meeting, a difficult personal conversation or a big load of kitchen dishes - identify the gift of your experiences.
Did the experience teach you something?
Did the experience provide you space to process or reflect?
Did the experience stretch your skills, knowledge or strength?
Did the experience prompt you to do or think of something you would have never otherwise realized?
Giving into Joy: Notice what’s fun, or what you can make fun - and ENJOY it. Bring back that childhood wonder and find something to giggle at, then share it. Not coming up with anything?
Google “unlikely animal friends”
Try to recall the worst joke you’ve ever been told
Watch any clip of the show Wipeout
Laugh at me and my sense of humor :)
Committing to One Self-Actualizing Moment: Find one thing that you can do today at your highest potential, where you’ll focus on the details with care and truly excel.
Think outside the work box - wash your face or brush your teeth with care and attention; call a friend and listen fully;
Think inside the work box - close your email window to truly focus on a project.
Notice how good it feels when you do something very small, very well.
Inviting Yourself to a little Possibility: Step into wonder - what if today (or this meeting or next event) were one of the most IMPORTANT and MEANINGFUL days in your life? How might you treat it? How might you treat yourself?
PSST: You want to know my secret hypothesis?
We don’t really need big, bold, elaborate, world-changing dreams. All we need are these 4 anchors plus a little momentum and we’ll be able to change our worlds without even knowing it.
You’ve got your 4 anchors - now get some momentum!