90 Days to Change.

Two weeks ago I resigned from my full-time job to pursue the thing that most centers me, fills me with gratitude, and connects me to a sense of purpose: coaching change agents driven to make a positive impact on the world and who are ready to grow themselves to grow their impact!

I’ve got about 90 days to track forward and put the love of coaching I’ve grown over the last decade into a thriving, people-centered, better-world-focused business.

In this space, I’ll invite you on my journey as I build my own skills, confidence, power, relationships and courage in the process!

How did I get to this point? Here’s a snapshot of my work and major learning moments over the last decade.

September 2010: My first experience being coached as a bilingual middle school teacher. Most memorable moment: my coach sorting student quizzes into piles for “passed” and “failed” and asking, “What is behind these quizzes being in two piles?”

July 2012: Decided to leave my middle school classroom and join the coaching team at Teach For America - at the time, no staff were bilingual, and our corps were collectively teaching more than 300 Spanish-speaking students. My first priority was ensuring that we could truly hear and seek to understand the experiences of our Spanish-speaking students.

September-December 12: Realized the ways I was struggling as a coach: I found ways to grow in my sense of openness to adult learners, releasing judgement, actively listening.

August 2013: Began managing coaches while also coaching teachers in the classroom. Learned even more about how important it is we each show up in our own unique values, personalities, identities, and experiences - there is no need to fit into a box or ask anyone else to do so.

June 2016: Began to lead our coaching team to support more than 100 teachers and close to 5,000 future leaders across Milwaukee.

April 2019: Moved into academic medicine and partnered to develop, execute and systematize faculty development programs.

December 2019: Missed coaching terribly - Decided to formalize my coaching skills through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) and become a certified professional coach.

2020… Oh man, what is there to say about 2020:

  • Reflected, reflected, reflected. 

  • Completed my certification training with the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) to hone my practice.

  • Noticed my energy in coaching spaces, the joy I have standing alongside others in growing themselves and their impact

  • Felt and heard affirmations my presence in the coaching relationship, my intuition, my impact on others.

  • Began dreaming of my own coaching practice.

October 2020: Resignation in! I am ready, equipped and energized to be a coach to change agents seeking to grow themselves and their impact. Now it’s time to learn how to be an entrepreneur!

Continue to join me on my journey forward right here every Monday, and follow me on Instagram @clairebeckercoaching.


“I’m not yet enough,” and other energy-wasting thoughts.