10 Ways to Celebrate Your Wins

Psst: Something big is around the corner for me… 6 MONTHS since I launched Claire Becker Coaching! I want to celebrate, will you help me? Share your address here so that I can send you a celebratory surprise!

I know that I’m not the only one who should be ready to celebrate these days - you should be too! 

Think for a moment and indulge in your goodness, badassery and overall impact on this life we share.

Dig into the things in your life you could celebrate:

  • I bet you recently turned someone’s day around making them laugh

  • You probably have completed a project recently, at home, at work or in your hobbies

  • That outfit last week…. Yeah, that looked great on you.

  • Likely, you’ve checked in and listened to your body or intuition and did something that served you

  • You’re here reading this email - it’s bringing me joy to celebrate!

In the name of raising the bar for how we treat ourselves on any given Tuesday, what do you say we celebrate today? 

Here are 10 ways to celebrate:

  1. Write a text that starts with, “Psst: check this out…” to your BFF - she’s got your back and will be so happy turn her energy toward sheer joy for a few minutes.

  2. Pop on HAPPY by Pharrell and have a 4 minute dance party in the kitchen 

  3. Take a photo of your accomplishment and make it your new phone background for the next couple days to remind yourself how great you are.

  4. Write or draw the story of how you came to be celebrating this win.

  5. Write a thank you note to someone who inspired you, pushed you, witnessed you or supported you to accomplish your win.

  6. On a white board or paper taped to the wall (so you can see it for the next week), grab your favorite color marker and complete this sentence in big letters, “I AM A PERSON WHO…” 

  7. Grab your favorite snack or beverage of your choice and make a toast to the person or situation that prompted you to make this move.

  8. EMAIL ME your win!!! I will write back with an adorable and celebratory baby animal meme. For real. I promise.

  9. Move your body - wave your arms, shake off stress, sprint down the block, jump up and down. 

  10. Let out a big, “WOOOO!” Make it known to the world, wherever you are.

I’m here to celebrate you, and so privileged to be celebrating 6 months of Claire Becker Coaching with you - don’t forget to share your address with me if you’d like to join me in marking the occasion next week!


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