Claire Becker Coaching

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If these Quotes could Coach


Cute Fall Quotes Atop Images of Crispy, Colorful Leaves.

Yep, it’s time! Of all the seasons, I tend to see that Fall gets the most inspirational quote love. Why? Perhaps it’s the busyness of summer outings subsiding, maybe it’s a side effect of Pumpkin Spice (have we studied this?), or perhaps it’s grounded in sincere awe of the natural shift around us.

Either way, as the tree colors shift in regions blessed with four seasons, the Fall quotes emerge from hibernation. Some are cheesy, others pensive, many have coffee shop marketing all over them. And, I’m sure you’ve been wondering,

“So with all this inspiration around, what’s a girl to do?

Should I celebrate fall leaves or mourn them?

Should I be like the fall breeze or like apple cider?

Which fall quote is really my guiding light for this season?”

To which I say, you’re not alone! And I’m here for you.

Here I’ll simplify your quote search by presenting five go-tos, sharing my thoughts and the free coaching I think they offer.

Check out the quotes below, the coaching they provide, and drop into the comments which resonates most for you!

Five Fall Quotes & Their Free Coaching

"Autumn carries more gold in its pockets than all the other seasons."

Jim Bishop

Yes, Jim! I’m here for gold in our pockets. There’s so much to this that I want to underscore. Where is the gold? Our pockets. Ours. Our pockets, in the pants we’re already wearing. It’s not in future pockets, others’ pockets. The gold is here, now, we just have to reach in for it. Haven’t seen gold in your pockets lately? That’s ok, we can forget what it looks like, or we can get trapped into thinking it’s only valid in the form of shiny round coins. As a coach, I’m a pretty fabulous gold-finder, so if you need help seeing it, reach out.

Here’s where Jim and I part ways, “more gold…than all the other seasons.” Mmmmm, nope. Yes, the color of leaves, the nice breeze, the back to school reset vibe of it all prompts us to see gold, but we can find gold in our pockets every day whether it’s October or January.

If this Quote could Coach:

The coaching this quote prompts is around finding the gold, or the gift, in this moment. If this quote could coach it would ask:

  • What gift have you experienced today?

  • What, if any, lesson has this gift taught you that you could use elsewhere?

  • What strength have you built in process to receiving this gift? How may that continue to serve you?

  • What, if anything, has this gift inspired in you that can enhance the meaning and joy you experience in life?

"Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice"

- Just about every Coffee Chain Window Poster

Everything nice sounds good to me. It’s simple, warm, and inclusive. Here’s what I think is nice: raising the bar for how we care for ourselves; and that’s exactly why I coach. When I help leaders and teams put transitions on their terms, we step as far from the status quo (not a very nice place for most of us) as we can and to reconnect with deep values, priorities, and connection to our own wellness. We get down right jazzed (dare I say pumpkin spiced) about the next phase of life.

But here’s where I’ll get controversial: There is no pumpkin spice required. For me, it’s more about listening to a book while knitting, early coffee by the window, or a walk in the sunshine. The pumpkin spice is that core, feel-good, cup-filling element that you can have to support you in seeing nice possibilities in everything around you.

If this Quote could Coach:

It would leave nothing to the rhetorical. The essence is naming a core element that makes you happy, centers you, fills you up and that supports you in getting your day kicked off and seeing things from a positive, everything's nice, light.

  • What is that for you?

  • How can you add it to your morning routine?

"All at one, summer collapsed into fall."

- Oscar Wilde

I feel seen in the, “all at once” part of this quote. Sometimes things happen SO FAST and I find myself waking up on a Tuesday morning wondering how on earth I got here. The truth is that change has been bubbling beneath the surface for some time, but I haven’t give myself the time to pause, reflect and notice what’s happening around me. And to the point of collapsing? Yep. Been here, collapsed there.

If this Quote could Coach:

It would totally acknowledge and validate those thoughts of, “Wait, what? We’re here now?! Huh?” and the feelings that come quickly after: overwhelm, a bit of instability and uncertainty, and even some wonderment.

Then, it would mention curiously, “Hey! I noticed you used the word collapsed. What does that feel like? How can you give yourself some space and time to rest?

"The heat of autumn is different from the heat of dummer. One ripens apples, the other turns them into cider."

- Jane Hirshfield

Yes! Let’s not take for granted that our response to heat - or challenges - will change through seasons and over time. When I was in my twenties I responded to loss and grief by taking more on, seeking productivity above everything else, and generally ripening toward falling off the tree and ending up as that mushy, bruised apple on the ground.

Not to brag, but in my thirties I’m totally on cider-trajectory. I respond to life’s challenges by slowing down and using my Mental Fitness app to do that 12-minute muscle tense and relax meditation to reset. It’s a slower response to challenge, and even more valuable.

If this Quote could Coach:

It would say, “hey!” Don’t judge yourself for the way you respond to challenges and stress, especially if you’re responding more slowly or more quietly.” What you did ten years ago doesn’t have to mark how you perform or respond today. You ripened before, you’re on the cider-track now.

"Autumn whispered to the wind, "I fall but always rise again."

- Angie Welland-Crosby

Check out Autumn’s confidence here! She falls, but always rises again. I’m ready to tap into that same faith and confidence in our collective seasonality. And the best part? In her confidence, Autumn still whispers. No shouting, performing, repeating herself needed.

If this Quote could Coach:

It would remind us that falling or failing doesn’t have to weaken our confidence in who we are or of the possibilities we can create. Rather, it’s a reminder to look at the evidence of how we’ve risen, again and again. This quote would ask you:

  • When’s a recent time you fell or failed, only to see yourself come back stronger?

  • What about you was so powerful or special that could make that happen?

  • How can you use this awareness to confidently rise up again, when the time comes?